The Effects of Acupuncture on the Lymphatic System
In this article, we are going to be looking into the effects acupuncture has upon the lymphatic system, and will be looking into whether it is beneficial in assisting the this system.
The lymphatic system forms part of the bodies immune system, it is made up of lymph vessels, lymph nodes, adenoids and tonsils, the thymus and spleen
The Effects of Acupuncture on Sp02 with an emphasis on patients recovering from 2019 SARS-CoV-2
I believe Acupuncture can help increase blood oxygen levels in patients who have been diagnosed with Covid-Sars2 (Covid-19) and as a result have <90% saturation levels through to Hypoxemia and potential Cyanosis. This study will not be limited to Covid/Long-covid patients however the efforts here could potentially aid the recovery of what is currently a global pandemic.
Acupuncture for Tension Headaches Trial
The American Academy of Neurology has completed trials published on June 22nd of this year to show that Acupuncture can reduce chronic tension type headaches. This was published in the online issue of “Neurology”, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Tension headaches typically are those that involve the Tai-Yang area of the […]
Ghosts, Rituals, Madness & Acupuncture
Having been an acupuncture teacher for many years, I have observed how interested and excited students get when they learn that there are such things as “Ghost Points”. It suggests that we may be able to go beyond the body and treat things in past lives or other domains. Or to chase ghosts of the past […]